
Computer ?

Computer :-(

Now you understand. Let’s go to computer anonymous, capwm.

The Plan

This might be the group for you if you want to meet socially conscious nerds to talk about interesting things. This is not an entrepreneurial meetup, nor is it networking: It is a support group, a place to meet good people and talk about good and bad things.

Although education and outreach are both important to us, the primary goal is to create a social group for people in and around tech, from all backgrounds, where they feel comfortable and welcome.

There aren’t regularly organized talks, workshops, or otherwise. We don’t have tickets, we don’t have namebadges. We’re striving to be as disorganised and informal as possible. We will talk computer a lot but we’d also like to not talk computer too. At the end of the day we’re just wanting not to be alone when we find ourselves saying "computer".

Imposters Welcome

If you’re from a background which isn’t well-represented in most geeky meetups, come along – we want to make a difference.

If you’re from a background which is well-represented in most geeky meetups, come along – we want your help making a difference.

If you’re worried about not being computer enough, come.

If you think you’re an imposter, come.

If your day job isn’t code, come.

This isn’t a group of experts, just people.

We are interested in the social and technical problems.

This is a support group. No-one knows what they are doing.

The Slack

Our slack community is where most of the meeting planning and general discussion happen.

Please come in and Join our slack community!

The Rules

A code of conduct applies wherever we gather to talk computer. This is true both in person and online.

It might be a good idea to read about being a good ally or some specific resources for various issues if you’re worried about offending people.

The People

We're on twitter at: @jsmecham @llimllib @sarah_hines @n01s3 @chrisvermilion @cristoslc


The inception of CAPWM started from a larger group called Computer Anonymous which has since faded away. But our (original) Portland, Maine group continues to chug on. We have an active Slack group with channels with topics like #general chats, to #weather, to #homeowners, to #parents. #local-lunches are often arranged between members, and we (almost always) have a meetup once a month (kids welcome).

Join our Slack to learn more, we’re a welcoming group. Or come to a monthly meeting; join Slack to find out when the next one is.

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